nonplayers wrote in hometrail Sep 12, 2010 00:00
#incomplete, tex, minato arisato, diana (wonder woman), francis york morgan, metis, duo maxwell, #style: prose, ty lee, !event, francis zach morgan, morrigan, anathema device
waywarrant wrote in hometrail Aug 05, 2010 22:44
#style: action, davin felth, balthier, duo maxwell, john marston, vash the stampede, !event, sumire takahana, tom tresser, h.m. murdock, arthur, zelgadis greywords, !narrator, cassandra of troy, templeton peck, alistair, #style: prose, bret mcclegnie, kushina uzumaki, gau meguro, rookie, minako aino, slo-bo, jack harkness, morrigan, *day 10
deathgod_priest wrote in hometrail Jul 06, 2010 14:23
haruki koutake, *day 06, duo maxwell, #style: prose